Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pullman Perfection

We made the loooong trek up to Pullman last weekend to visit Seth and Jenn.  Actually, we really like road trips and our boys do amazingly well on long drives.  I thought the town was great, and the campus was pretty.  I can imagine the hilliness gets a little old after awhile (I don't think I've ever felt so lost, thank goodness for iphones and triangulation-mapping), but it definitely made for a unique experience.

We watched Olympics, ate pizza, toured campus, ate WAY too much Old European breakfast, saw the bears, played at the park, and went to the WSU/UW game.  Great game, and Washington State almost pulled out the win.  Hayden slept through most of it, and Noah ate all the Oreos and candy he could cram in his little mouth while yelling, "Go Gougs!" (See above picture for Oreo molester mustache.)  The weekend went too quickly, and Uncle Seth and Aunt Jenn were perfect hosts.  (Their house is beautiful, too.)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys came to visit...and I want the pics you took! Can't wait for your next trek up here. Hopefully next time it won't be so confusing...although it is easy to get lost due to zero straight roads in Pullman!
